Words ending and connecting with Able
1) Doable- it's doable,it is after the verb ”DO”
One can use this word instead of saying a whole sentenceEg) you can do it - simply say ” it's DOABLE”
Eg) it can be done - simply say ” it's DOABLE”
Eg) it should be done - simply say ” it's DOABLE” thing.
2) Usable - It's usable, it is after the verb ”Use”
One can use this word instead of saying a whole sentence
Eg) you can use it - simply say ” it's useable”
Eg) it can be used - simply say ” it's useable”
Eg) it can't be used- it's not usable/usable thing.
3)Fixable- it's fixable, it is after the verb ”fix”
One can use this word instead of saying a whole sentence
1) you can fix it - its fixable
2) it can be fixed- its fixable
3) it can't be fixed- its not fixable
4) Seeable- it's Seeable, it is after the verb”see”
One can use this word instead of saying a whole sentence
1)you can see it- it's Seeable
2) it is visible- it's seeable
6) washable
7) drinkable
8) eatable
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