09 words to sound smart at work 

  1. Certainly - instead of okay or no problem 
  2. Modify - instead of the word change / we need to modify our way of treating the customers 
  3. Complications - instead of problem / There is a complication with your order. 
  4. Sensational- instead of awesome/ if you didn't sleep well last night and you are super tired at work and your colleague next day at work asks you Hey Bruno do you wang a coffee? You would reply- that would be Sensational / Awesome. 
  5. Elaborate- simply means to give more details also when we need someone to clarify somethings or give us some extra details. Example- you are in a meeting and your co-worker says something that isn't really clear and you are not sure what he/she means instead of saying ”what do you mean”? ”Could you elaborate on that please”? It's much more polite and professional.
  6. Leverage - it means to get an advantage / if we modify our way of marketing we can get some real leverage over our competitors. 
  7. Ramifications- Problem VS Complication / instead of consequences. Example -if your team is talking about how to modify a marketing approach you definitely need to think about the pros and cons and what are some of the possible RAMIFICATIONS. 
  8. Perplexing- confusing things happen at work customers do things weird or boss’s files go missing you would say I'm really confused in such situations one can say that's perplexing / its a perplexing situation or I'm perplexed. 
  9. Straightforward - instead of easy, I'm working with this client it's going to be really straightforward - this project is straightforward- maybe you are working with a new client and you know they going to be wonderful and easy to work with then you can say STRAIGHTFORWARD.


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