Phrasal verbs

  1. Dress up - I have a date I should dress up 

When you want to put something nice.

2.   Zip up - it's cold you must or I must zip up.

3.   Button up - I should button-up jacket 🧥
In the past tense - I buttoned up my jacket

4.  Do up- it means the same thing as zipping up / button up
I must do up my jacket.

5.  Have on- what do you have on right now?
It means
what are you wearing?
What you have on?

6.  Put on- I put on my hat
When you put something on - it's like putting something on
Opposite of put on is take off

7.  Throw on- I threw on my hat 🎓
When I throw something on it means I do some quickly.

* I threw on my hat and ran off the door
* I threw on my jacket and left the house
* I threw on my bag and went to school

8. Try on- trying clothes 👗
At the store, I tried in a shirt, shoe or a hat

9. Take off- I took off my jacket

10. Kick-off - it's specific to shoes 👠
* she kicked off her shoes
You can also say Take off shoes especially which heels

11. wear in- you have something that's new and it's uncomfortable new shoes, for example, they are right and the more you wear them the comfier they become. So when we fake about wearing in something it means we take something new to wear it a lot until it becomes comfortable.
* my feel hurt because I'm wear in new shoes 👟

12. Hang up- hang up the phone 📱
Don't leave your clothes on the floor hang them up
Hanging up - in the closet. 


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